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Diet for you

An accurate diet and increased physical activity are two essential and sufficient components in achieving ideal body weight and its permanent maintenance.

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Lose weight safely and permanently

...Preventive – through health education of people in terms of proper dieting, reasons and consequences of obesity...

...Basic healing principles through the use of low calory nutritive diet and regular, moderate physical activity...

About the book

What our patients have to say about the diet::

It’s amazing how good this diet is. I got my results within ten days. I was eager to weigh myself and see how much my weight has decreased. Everybody in my family now tries to maintain this type of dieting!
It gives me great pleasure not having to give up on food. I could eat everything and still lose weight. By eating smaller portions I got accustomed to not eating too much. This habit is the best thing that happened in the course of my diet..
I lost weight in three months. I got the most of dr. Tomas' diet when I included moderate physical exercises. Healthy way of dieting and exercising prevent me from gaining those extra kilograms once again. THANK YOU DOCTOR!
So, I have tried everything! Diets, fitness machines, herbal teas intended for loosing weight, basically with no effect whatsoever. This type of diet helped me to lose weight and stay fit. Good habits are key to a successful fight against the kilograms.
G. D.

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